Customized Workshops
Workshops can be exceptional tools to drive learning, build consensus and establish buy-in. That’s where skilled workshop facilitation can make all the difference.
We work with organizational needs and customize on-site or off-site workshops on any brand-related topic or issue. These may be workshops for the management team, Board of Directors, marketers, sales staff, cross-functional work teams, key customers or any key audience that would benefit from such a workshop.
Tom’s presentation style is a great mix of knowledge, humor and visuals that resonate. He can cut fog into cubes.
- Toronto Real Estate Board
Here is a sampling of brand workshops previously conducted for organizations:
- Brand Positioning Workshop
- Brand Competitor Analysis and Mapping Workshop
- Brand Promise Development
- Brand Education/Brand 101 Sessions
- Brand Architecture Workshops
- Brand Naming Sessions
- Brand Promise Implications of Operational Changes
- Brand Personality Development
- Brand Experience Development
- Brand Development for Employees